I’m a consultant endocrinologist with an interest in general endocrinology and metabolic bone disorder. I completed my training at Austin Health, Northern Health, Mercy Hospital and Box Hill Hospital and have therefore received extensive clinical experience in diabetes, general endocrinology and antenatal medicine.
MBBS (Bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery) from Monash University 2002
FRACP (Fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
Endocrinologist, Austin Health
Endocrinologist, Northern Health
Endocrinologist, Plenty Valley Community Health
Endocrine Society of Australia
Australian Diabetes Society
Thuy Vu, Rosemary Wong, Shane Hamblin, Jeffrey Zajac and Mathis Grossmann. Patients presenting with severe hyponatremia: etiological factors, assessment and outcome. Hospital Practice, 2009; vol 37(1): 128 – 136
Mathis Grossmann, Richard MacIsaac, Jenny Huynh, Thuy Vu, Georgina Thomas, Mark Ng Tang Fui, Aye Tint, Linsey Gani, Sarah Pattison. Thyroid Diseases. Check, unit 462, September 2010
Thuy Vu, Suresh Varadarajan, Ego Seeman, George Jerums, Richard MacIsaac. Hypocalcaemia induced by raloxifene. Current Drug Safety, 2012; vol 7(2): 176 – 8
Thuy D.T. Vu, Xiao Fang Wang, Qingju Wang, Natalie E. Cusano, Dinaz Irani, Barbara C. Silva, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Julia Udesky, Megan E. Romano, Roger Zebaze, George Jerums, Stephanie Boutroy, John P. Bilezikian. New insights into the actions of PTH in Primary Hyperparathyroidism on the cortical and trabecular compartments of bone. Bone, 2013; vol 55(1): 57 – 63
Evaluating patients presenting with severe hypotonic hyponatraemia
Thuy Vu, Rosemary Wong, Shane Hamblin, George Jerums, Jeffrey Zajac, Mathis Grossmann
• ESA scientific meeting, Melbourne, 2008 (abstract 149)
What comes down must go up – cautiously
Thuy Vu, Mathis Grossmann
• ESA clinical weekend, Barossa Valley, 2009 (case 10)
Effects of parathyroid deficiency and excess on cortical and trabecular micro-architecture
Thuy Vu, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Qingju Wang, Xiao Fang Wang, Roger Zebaze, Ego Seeman
• ESA scientific meeting, Adelaide, 2009 (abstract 219)
‘Capturing’ Fracture Patients: Improving Management of Osteoporosis in a Tertiary Hospital
Thuy Vu, Cherie Chiang, Sandra Iuliano-Burns, Mathis Grossmann, Ego Seeman, Emily Gianatti, Emma Hamilton, Jeffrey Zajac
• 8th Meeting of the Minds of Austin Health, Hepburn Spring, 2010
• ESA scientific meeting, Sydney 2010 (abstract 209)
The Material and Structural Basis of Bone Fragility in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Thuy Vu, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Ego Seeman, George Jerums
• ESA scientific meeting, Sydney 2010 (abstract 213)
Changes in Anthropometry and Body Composition in Obese Individuals with Normal Fasting Glucose or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus undergoing a Very-Low-Calorie Diet Program
Scott Baker, George Jerums, Andrew Prendergast, Sianna Panagiotopoulos, Boyd Strauss, Thuy Vu, Georgina Thomas, Joseph Proietto
• ADS scientific meeting, Sydney 2010 (abstract 119)
Changes in bone micro-architecture in patients with type 1 diabetesmellitus during 12 months
Thuy Vu, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Roger Zebaze, Matthew Dobson, Ego Seeman, George Jerums
• ESA scientific meeting, Perth 2011 (abstract 25)
Parathyroid excess and deficiency: is Peter really robbed or Paul paid
Thuy Vu, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Qingju Wang, Xiao Fang Wang, Roger Zebaze, Ego Seeman
• ANZBMS and IOF meeting, Gold Coast 2011 (abstract 116)