How do I make an appointment?

You need a current referral from your doctor containing your relevant medical history as well as name, date of birth, address and phone number so that we can contact you. Once this is obtained please send the referral via

  1. email
  2. fax +61 3 8102 5889 or
  3. post Medical Specialist on Collins, level 4, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000.

How long does a referral stay valid?

GP referrals are valid for 12 months and specialist referrals are valid for 3 months.

What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

Please bring

  1. Referral letter (if not already sent)
  2. Medicare card, DVA card, health care card or pension card
  3. All relevant medical reports including but not limited to
  4. Pathology reports (blood test results)
  5. Radiology reports (x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI results)
  6. Current medication details
  7. Medical history

Cancellation of appointments

Telephone the office during business hours and allow at lease 1 day’s notice so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list.

Registration form

Can be downloaded, printed and sent back to us or can be filled out on the day